However, this year.. the boy and I decided to "downgrade" to a fake tree (because he has this concern about being evicted or killing people with our tree, I mean, how ridiculous is that?). But the trouble with that had been that no fake tree could satisfy my standards. We had looked at Target and a couple of other places... but then on a late night trip to Walmart to purchase items to bake cupcakes, I wandered back into the Christmas section - drawn by its bright lights and blaring jolly music. I perused the trees, finding nothing but the averagely fake tree... then, I came across this: Box W.
It may be a bit on the thin side, but it has something that really caught my eye and made it twinkle.... LIFELIKE NEEDLES. Not those ones that look like little pieces of green paper, or those oddly long ones. These had attention to detail on every branch.
The experience of putting the lights the tree has been pretty standard, although I had to use a lot more colored lights than usual to try to offset how many white lights are built into the thing. I also had to painstakingly go through and spread out every branch.. only to every day find more to spread out. But overall, it makes me feel as magical as a real tree would and its:
1. Cheaper in the long run
2. More environmentally friendly
3. Less cleanup
However, I will be getting real trees again if I ever have a house instead of an apartment.
Here's the tree basically "right out of the box" after being set up vs "spreading the branches" and adding lights + an awesome topper.
I think it has actually turned out pretty beautiful! I am more impressed with it the more I look at it.
34 days til Christmas!
Today's Official Christmas Jam:
The Raveonettes - The Christmas Song
Today's Christmas Tip:
Don't look down on a fake tree. It doesn't make you a holiday sellout. They can be just as pretty as the real thing... but I suggest everyone experience a real tree once in their life. Some of my favorite holiday memories are going out with my parents to go get a tree from one our local nurseries (and I still get to go this year with them for theirs!). My dad gets as serious about them as the dad in A Christmas Story. Come to think... if that movie were made now, I would think they based the character on my dad.