This is what happens when you listen to Big R- Christmas Top 40 hits on winamp radio. You find beautiful, poppy, Christmas music. Ladies and Gentlemen.. Marie Digby's Bring me Love. It's so terribly cute and wonderful.

"This year I can't say I've been perfect
I'm pretty sure I've got
a regret or two
but Santa please don't hold it
against me
cause this year I'm counting on you
to ...
bring me, bring me love oh
Santa bring me, bring me love oh
bring me love"

Christmas radio is definitely a way to get into the spirit in this pre-season. I think Christmas music more than most genres has an ability to tug at heart-strings and nostalgia. You can't listen to any song from the Grinch without thinking of your childhood (unless, of course, you never saw it.. in which case you must not celebrate Christmas because How the Grinch Stole Christmas as a book and cartoon is right up there with Santa Claus in Coming to Town and It's a Wonderful Life). So turn on your internet radio today... take a little time... and feel Christmases long passed... smell the cookies... envision the season...

83 days