So we've thoroughly and when I say thoroughly I mean we have THOROUGHLY decked the halls at Walmart already.(This post was originally drafted in early November, when it was a wonder for us to be decked out) I am told that Christmas music was playing. Children can already take pictures with Santa in the portrait studio.
I helped unload one of our trucks tonight. Let me tell you, that is not a jolly experience. It was nothing like hot chocolate or Christmas music or putting lights on a tree. It might have been like waking up to find the Grinch had taken all of your stuff. Okay. Wait. The Whos still sing. Well... it just wasn't nice guys.
Let's take a moment to reflect on how weird the Whos look. Here's Cindy Lou.
Case closed.
Here's the case I am meaning to talk about:
The things is.. I'll be a Christmas ham if there is anything in this box that represents any holiday other than Christmas.
You know what guys? After I wrote this, we put these out. And they are all green and red and white and have Santa and Christmas trees and more on them. That's not the best sentence I've ever written, but I think it does the job. If I were a good writer, I would add in a syllable rhythm to where it sounds like "It came without ribbons, it came without tags, it came without.." So on and so forth. But here's the thing(s): I am not that talented -AND- these things came with ribbons and tags and Christmas themed things. The Woo's would be singing in celebration of these holiday Christmas vestments.
There is no other holiday that these could be associated with, so why not call them Christmas clothes? I understand the whole idea of being inclusive. I get it and I respect it. I just don't understand the need to call a Christmas tree a holiday tree. No one is putting it up and thinking, "This is a perfect representation of my personal Non-Christmas holiday." Want to know why? Because people have decorations they buy for their own holidays. There are Chanukah Menorahs and I am sure Kwanza has something. I would google it, but if I lose my momentum now I'll never finish it.
The point is -- call things what they are. Pine trees with ornaments, tinsel, angels, Santa, and Baby Jesus are Christmas trees. FACT. Confirmed. Pet clothing that makes my little fat Boston terrier look like a jolly Santa Claus are Christmas pet clothing. I wonder why they don't opt for real inclusive items instead of slapping "Holiday" on the box and calling it done. If there is some way for some who celebrates Chanukah to represent that with cute pet clothing, I think that needs to happen! I genuinely hope that everyone out there enjoys whatever holiday they celebrate, and I don't want to diminish that with all of this ranting. I just think that when something clearly goes with a holiday, use the holiday name for it! This isn't a rant over "Happy holidays," which I think is a perfectly acceptable phrase.
This is not Lugs, but it could be.
Today's Official Christmas Jam:
"By the time we got to Oslo, snow was gone and we got lost. The beds were small, but we felt so young. It was just like Christmas"
When I think of Christmas as a child, I remember hiding in a bedroom with my brother waiting for our parents to go to sleep. We would talk all night almost, because were too excited to sleep. A couple of years ago, I spent the night at my Dad's for Christmas and we slept in a room with twin beds. We discussed our favorite Christmas episodes of Nicktoons. It was just like Christmas.
Today's Christmas Tip:
Try to put some thought into your gifts. That isn't to say--spend a lot of money. Not at all. Just make sure when you buy someone a gift it actually makes sense as a gift to that person. It's not out of the gift closet and could have gone to Mary-Sue but she already has a gift so I guess I'll give it to Patricia.
24 Days til Christmas!
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