hulo, my name is llama claus

58 days until Christmas!

63 days until Christmas!

65 days until Christmas!
Today I went shopping with two of my very best friends. Casually, we went into a Barnes and Noble bookstore to get some coffee from Starbucks and browse books we probably would not purchase. After being shocked by the political illustrated books we found geared towards pushing the agendas of the democratic and republican parties (each candidate had a delightful book describing their life story, oh dear), imagine my happiness when I came across the book to your left (or your right, if you're looking it this while suspending yourself from the ceiling).

It's the best thing I've found this Christmas season and my heart fills with regret for having not purchased it. Thankfully, for myself and the world, it is available on Barnes and Noble Online. If you will check out the "search inside this book" option you will see the beauty it brings. For instance, while it may not be offered here, there is a delightful page that says "What greater joy is there than finding the perfect present for a person?" and the picture is of a cute little hedgehog and a tiny cactus. What a perfect pair. Spiky and precious in a non-harmful way.

So, rush my friends and purchase this book! Use your life savings if you have to. It is the only thing that can press the agenda of the Christmas philosophy better than myself and Santa Claus.

Oh, and in case you didn't check the count..

67 days until Christmas!(we're practically in the home stretch)

71 days until Christmas!

72 days until Christmas!

73 days until Christmas!

74 days until Christmas!

What are your goals this Christmas season? If you haven't started already, you are at least thinking about what you are going to buy for people. But Christmas is about more than presents. It is about experiences. Today, I strongly suggest using the power of Internet and planning out your Christmas excursions. Whether it's a Winterfest, Christmas parade, or some delightful holiday-themed craft show I believe it is your duty to work it into your busy schedules.

Memories are forever!

And remember, a mere...
74 days until Christmas!

75 days until Christmas!

Christmas is thoroughly on at Big Lots here in Knoxville. Imagine my surprise when I was going to get discount cereal and I found this! Friends, I hope you're expecting one of these as an impersonal present this year. They are just TOO precious.

The one in the middle of this delightful 5 dollar bunch has an attachment of a cottage shaped tea infuser. And of course, to match, it actually is a sack full of gingerbread flavored tea. The right one is a peppermint cocoa which comes with a tiny whisk for the purpose of whisking your cocoa toppings! And the cappuccino has a ... holiday cheese grater? I can't really explain that one.

76 days until Christmas!

79 days until Christmas!
We've begun setting up Christmas at the Walmart where I work. Tomorrow I will take pictures and post them!

Today, however, settle for me directing you to brush up on your holiday knowledge.


80 days until Christmas!
If this blog has yet to light your Christmas fire surely this video will set it ablaze

81 days until Christmas!
We cannot always provide the same consistent way Santa does. Thus, I did not, yesterday. But here we are today. New chances. New ventures. In 2004, Pepsi made such a new venture into the Christmas world. While Coca-cola was only bringing the holiday through delightful Santa scenes and polar bears, Pepsi had stepped things up a notch.

In 2004 Pepsi injected untold amounts of Christmas cheer into our lives with the short lived Pepsi Holiday Spice. True to it's name Holiday spice was loaded with holiday spices and tasted more like Coca Cola than Pepsi, Pepsi made Coke truly a Christmas miracle. Sadly the drink's first Christmas would be it's last, the Scrooges rejected the jolly drink. The spirit of Holiday Spice lives on in Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash, which combines a ordinary drink with a holiday fruit.

What does Christmas taste like? I think it tastes something like cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin pie, pepsi holiday spice, reindeer blood, and Santa's cookies. I think somehow Pepsi Holiday Spice reached too much Holiday excellence. It assaulted the taste buds, making you believe you were Christmas. It was too much. I imagine they never gave it out at asylums for this very fact. Imagine all the crazies saying they were Santa?

Buy a can off ebay, and take a sip every day until Christmas! Make them short sips.. because...

82 days until Christmas!
My true love gave to me: Christmas carol midis! I'm going to help you get your jolly on today by giving you a premium website to download yourself some cheer. Remember, if your service permits, you can also set midis on your phone as your RINGTONE! Imagine the surprise when in class at 8am tomorrow your "Deck the halls!" midi plays full blast. Your professor will not be upset I'm sure, simply because I'm sure a well educated person would love and appreciate Christmas even in October(unless their religion does not allow for it; that's cool with me, of course.).

The Woodshed: Christmas Midi Files
95+ million users agree: they come to this website. They download the midis. But the best part is it offers DEMOCRACY. Which is the part of the reason Santa loves the United States more than anything, aside from the UT VOLS (as proved earlier, I believe on the 26th?). You can vote for Santa's faves. Why do you get to pick his favorites? He's just that giving.

That's all for tonight. What a shorty! I'm sorry. I promise that tomorrow I'm bringing the heat.. or the chill... THE CHILL OF THE WINTER'S SNOW ... WARMING YOUR HEARTS! The hearts of millions everywhere. All for one. One for Santa.
84 days until Christmas, friends!
get to downloading